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Environmental Review Toolkit

2013/2014 Eco-Logical Program Annual Report
(Detailed Image Description of Figure 2)

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Figure 2: A Timeline of Eco-Logical
Detailed image description is provided below the image.

Figure 2: A Timeline of Eco-Logical. FHWA's Eco-Logical Program has a long-standing history of supporting an ecosystem-based approach for infrastructure projects. FHWA and AASHTO currently lead activities to bring technical assistance to practitioner agencies implementing Eco-Logical.

refer to detailed description below

TEA-21: Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
SAFETEA-LU: Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
MAP-21: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act
ITEEM: Integrated Transportation and Ecological Enhancements for Montana

For information on the SHRP2 products listed (C06, C21, C40), please visit:

The image is a horizontal timeline marked with the following major Eco-Logical-related events:

  • 1998: Federal legislation (TEA-21) passed; Section 1309 mandates Environmental Streamlining as the timely delivery of transportation projects while protecting and enhancing the environment
  • 2002: Montana ITEEM initiated in response to Federal Executive Order 13274: Environmental Stewardship and Transportation Infrastructure Project Reviews
  • 2002: National Eco-Logical effort begins; interagency team of eight Federal Agencies (Signatory Agencies) and four State DOTs forms, convenes first meeting, and starts development of Eco-Logical products
  • 2005: Federal legislation (SAFETEA-LU) passed; Section 6001 requires State DOTs and MPOs to discuss potential environmental mitigation activities in their long-range plans
  • 2006: Eco-Logical: An Ecosystem Approach to Developing Infrastructure Projects published, with support from the Signatory Agencies and four State DOTS
  • 2007: FHWA launches the Eco-Logical Grant Program
  • 2007: FHWA advocates for the inclusion of Eco-Logical in SHRP2; becomes the basis for Implementing Eco-Logical (C06)
  • 2008: SHRP2 C06A and B research projects begin, managed by TRB
  • 2008: USACE and EPA release Final Compensatory Mitigation Rule, which encourages watershed-based decisions
  • 2009: FHWA organizes peer exchange on GIS Applications in Eco-Logical Grant Projects
  • 2010: FHWA Eco-Logical webinar series begins
  • 2010: FHWA publishes Evaluating Montana's ITEEM: Successes and Lessons for Eco-Logical, which documents the ITEEM's application of Eco-Logical
  • 2010: Signatory Agency interagency team reconvenes; establishes semi-annual meeting schedule
  • 2011: FHWA participates in SHRP2 C40 needs identification workshop
  • 2011: SHRP2 C06A research project completed
  • 2011: SHRP2 C21 pilot begins
  • 2012: Federal legislation (MAP-21) passed; establishes streamlined and performance-based surface transportation program and promotes accelerated project delivery
  • 2012: FHWA organizes peer exchange for five Eco-Logical Grant Program recipients
  • 2012: FHWA, AASHTO, and TRB hold SHRP2 Implementation Planning Workshop for Implementing Eco-Logical; establish Implementation Plan
  • 2013: TRB releases research products for SHRP2 C40A and B
  • 2013: FHWA and AASHTO formally launch implementation of Implementing Eco-Logical initiative; FHWA announces Implementing Eco-Logical IAP recipients
  • 2014 - Present: FHWA and AASHTO develop technical assistance and implementation activities for Implementing Eco-Logical

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